
written Викторина

EN[ˈrɪtn̩] [-ɪtən]
    Выберите наиболее подходящий ответ на каждый вопрос.
  • Вопрос 1 :
  • Discomfort was built into the evening, as central to it as the Pirandello script, written in 1917, and which, as one critic noted, toys with how the social role built up by one character for himself is continually destroyed by another, devaluated into a sick sham existence that outsiders accept as real only out of pity.
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  • Вопрос 2 :
  • I do not grok all fullness of what I read. In the history written by Master William Shakespeare I found myself full of happiness at the death of Romeo. Then I read on and learned that he had discorporated too soon – or so I thought I grokked. Why?
    1. more written
    2. most written
    3. written
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Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en written up
  2. en writtenness
  3. en written down
  4. en written statement of employment
Источник: Викисловарь
Трудность: Уровень 1
Легко     ➨     Трудно
Определенность: Уровень 8
Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний