
removed Викторина

    Выберите наиболее подходящий ответ на каждый вопрос.
  • Вопрос 1 :
  • But Richmond [ …] appeared to lose himself in his own reflections. Some pickled crab, which he had not touched, had been removed with a damson pie; and his sister saw, peeping around the massive silver epergne that almost obscured him from her view, that he had eaten no more than a spoonful of that either.
    1. more removed
    2. most removed
    3. removed
  • Вопрос 2 :
  • The spot was re-edited, returning with the scene of imagined roboticide removed.
    1. more removed
    2. most removed
    3. removed
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Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en removedness
Источник: Викисловарь
Трудность: Уровень 1
Легко     ➨     Трудно
Определенность: Уровень 1
Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний