
performing Викторина

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  • Вопрос 1 :
  • Dr. Matlock, who made his name performing liposuction and then transplanting the fat to create a “Brazilian butt augmentation,” and who later went on to have a role on the reality show “Dr. 90210,” patiently explained the ins and outs of the injectible procedure of the moment, one that he claims to have invented and that makes Botox seem so five wrinkles ago.
    1. performings
    2. performing
  • Вопрос 2 :
  • It was while he was performing the duties of the store that he acquired the soubriquet "Honest Abe"--a characterization that he never dishonored, and an abbreviation that he never outgrew.
    1. performings
    2. performing
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Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en performings
  2. en performing art
  3. en performing arts
Источник: Викисловарь
Трудность: Уровень 1
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Определенность: Уровень 1
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