
artificiality Викторина

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  • Вопрос 1 :
  • By another artist, this could be a comment on the disconcerting, hypercommodified artificiality of modern life.
    1. artificialities
    2. artificiality
  • Вопрос 2 :
  • Anything grandiose or historically based tends to sound flat and banal when it reaches English, partly because translators get stuck between contradictory imperatives: juggling fidelity to the original sense with what is vocally viable, they tend to resort to a genteel fustian which lacks either poetic resonance or demotic realism, adding to a sense of artificiality rather than enhancing credibility.
    1. artificialities
    2. artificiality
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Источник: Викисловарь
Определенность: Уровень 1
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