
applied Викторина

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  • Вопрос 1 :
  • What do you over the pond skaterboarders [sic] say? Is there a global term to be used to label someone as a skateboarder? Does it matter? I suppose the only one you can apply widely is ‘grommet’.
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  • Вопрос 2 :
  • In my own instance, well do I remember the time when the principle of universal suffrage, however modified, presented itself to me as being in a general view inadmissible. [ ... ] No : the closer the attention bestowed, the firmer has all along been my conviction—on the one hand of the undangerousness of the principle, taken in the utmost extent to which the application of it can ever reach,—on the other hand, of the facility and consistency, with which, for the sake of union and concord, defalcation after defalcation might,—provisionally at any rate, and for the sake of experience—quiet and gradual experience,—be applied to it.
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Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en appliedly
  2. en applied ethics
  3. en applied science
  4. en applied sciences
  5. en applied economics
Источник: Викисловарь
Определенность: Уровень 3
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