
telephone Примеров

Tтелефон WТелефон

    Examples of telephone in a Sentence

  • Примеры telephone
    1. The telephone rang during breakfast, so I left the newspaper unperused and went to answer it.
    2. "Ayo, Red. It's the homie Spits on the jack for you, blood." "Ayo, homeboy," said Red as he excitedly picked up the telephone receiver. "What's up, fool?"
    3. Mr. Holt Thomas gave some details of a projected scheme of communication which combined the telephone or telegraph with the aeroplane. Messages sent by the system would be described as aerograms.
    4. Ask the billpayer before calling premium-rate telephone numbers.
    5. We installed a bug in her telephone.
    6. When the patient was consented to enter the study and registered, a telephone call was made to research assistant
    7. She calls on the neighbours, she's out half the time and doesn't answer the telephone, and when I start cribbing she just laughs.
    8. My telephone company now offers e-billing: it saves paper and allows me to check my bill on the Internet at any time.
  • Примеры telephoned
    1. Was pink pig Mr. Swoon absolutely sure my wife had not telephoned? He was. If she did, would he tell her we had gone on to Aunt Clare's place? He would, indeedie. — Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (1955)
    2. 1962: I at once telephoned. The Shades were out, said the cheeky ancillula, an obnoxious little fan who came to cook for them on Sundays and no doubt dreamt of getting the old poet to cuddle her some wifeless day. — Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
  • Примеры telephoning
    1. [...] I remembered I hadn't sent that wire to Kipper Herring, inviting him to come and join the gang. I went to Aunt Dahlia's boudoir and repaired this omission, telephoning the communication to someone at the post office who would have been well advised to consult a good aurist.
    2. "The trainee interviews a client in a one-way mirror room or in front of a video camera while being observed by the supervisor, who guides the therapy by telephoning suggestions or bringing the trainee out for discussion." — Learning and Teaching Therapy by Jay Haley
Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en telephones
  2. en telephoned
  3. en telephoner
  4. en telephoners
  5. en telephone box
Источник: Викисловарь
Трудность: Уровень 2
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Определенность: Уровень 9
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