
bring about Примеров


    Examples of bring about in a Sentence

  • Примеры bring about
    1. In one of the highlights of ... my post-House career, we were able to work together to bring about something that was extraordinary given the political climate of the time.
    2. In view of the fact that a number of paradigm shifts are required to bring about the authors' vision of sustainable automobility - paradigm shifts in the way cars are made, sold, used and powered - this approach appears inadequate.
    3. The rough waters of change will bring about the calm after the storm. ‎
    4. I hope to bring about a successful conclusion.
  • Примеры brought about
    1. The collapse of the gold standard brought about much of the economic turmoil of that era.
    2. The white-anting of ATSIC has been brought about by the usual suspects. [1]
    3. It thus seems that the 'constitutional coup' brought about a 'Yeltsinism without Yeltsin', a surgical operation that aimed at prolonging the life of Yeltsinism, even if this entailed the removal of Yeltsin himself and the institution of measures against the corruption and nepotism that had gone beyond all limits in his immediate entourage.

Other Vocabulary

Слова похожи (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en brings about
  2. en bring out
  3. en bang about
  4. en ran about
  5. en wring out
Источник: Викисловарь
Определенность: Уровень 2
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