
Hebrew Примеров


    Examples of Hebrew in a Sentence

  • Примеры Hebrew
    1. A large contingent — many wearing jerseys with Casspi’s name spelled in Hebrew — turned out for a postdraft rally.
    2. In the actual sounds of many of the Hebrew letters lies a singular power, unguessed by the majority, undivined especially, of course, by the mere scholar, but available for the pure in heart who may discover how to use their extraordinary values.
    3. They termed them also..Agada in the Chaldee, or..Hagada in the Hebrew form, which are rendered in Philo, by the Greek ...
    4. Betacism is a fairly common phenomenon: it has taken place in Greek, Hebrew, and Spanish, among others.
    5. Charles Goldstein, a cigarmaker, built Webster Hall in 1886 for $75,000, with a design by Charles Rentz Jr., an architect and beer vendor, for “balls, receptions, Hebrew weddings and sociables,” according to a December 1886 article in The New York Times.
    6. Both texts, included here in Hebrew and English, featured the four cups of wine; the matzoh, or unleavened bread; the bitter herbs; haroset, a sweet paste of fruit and spices; engaging children in the ritual; and many of the prayers found in Seders today.
    7. Kubutz is pronunced as ( Modern Israeli Hebrew ) /u/ , like the vowel “o” in “moon”.
    8. The maqaf is not available in the Hebrew keyboard layout
    9. Segol is pronunced as ( Modern Israeli Hebrew ) /e/ , like the vowel “e” in “temp”.
  • Примеры Hebrews
    1. 1611, Bible (KJV), Hebrews 11:37:
    2. 1611, Bible (KJV): Hebrews 2:7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands.
    3. It is not the primitive trueth[sic] of creation, not the ancient, reall[sic] theoſophie of the Hebrews and Egyptians, but a certain preternaturall[sic] upſtart, a vomit of Ariſtotle, which his followers with ſo much diligence lick up, and ſwallow.
Ссылки По Теме:
  1. en Hebrews
  2. en Hebrewdom
  3. en Hebrewess
  4. en Hebrewism
  5. en Hebrewisms
Источник: Викисловарь
Определенность: Уровень 9
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