
tissue это

EN[ˈtɪsjuː] [ˈtɪʃu] [-ɪsjuː] [-ɪʃuː]
Tткань WТкань
  • Тка́нь:
  • Ткань — текстильное полотно, полученное способом ткачества.
  • Ткань — совокупность клеток и межклеточного вещества, объединённых общим происхождением, строением и выполняемыми функциями.

    Definition of tissue in English Dictionary

  • Существительное (Noun)PLtissues
    1. Thin, woven, gauze-like fabric.
      1. The face which emerged was not reassuring. It was blunt and grey, the nose springing thick and flat from high on the frontal bone of the forehead, whilst his eyes were narrow slits of dark in a tight bandage of tissue. […].
    2. A fine transparent silk material, used for veils, etc.; specifically, cloth interwoven with gold or silver threads, or embossed with figures.
      1. A sheet of absorbent paper, especially one that is made to be used as tissue paper, toilet paper or a handkerchief.
        1. Absorbent paper as material.
          1. (biology) A group of similar cells that function together to do a specific job.
            1. Web; texture; complicated fabrication; connected series.
              1. a tissue of forgeries, or of lies
          2. Глагол (Verb)SGtissuesPRtissuingPT, PPtissued
            1. To form tissue of; to interweave.
              1. Covered with cloth of gold tissued upon blue. — Francis Bacon.
          3. Другие примеры
            1. Используется в середине предложения
              • The tissues were rapidly homogenized using a polytron, and 800 ¼L of 1% Triton X-100 was then added.
              • It is possible that BoNT-A can only be delivered by liposomes to the superficial urothelial layer and not deep into the suburothelial tissue or detrusor layer.
              • Intraoperative histological analysis showed fibroconnective tissue that was negative for bacterial and fungal staining and cultures as well as negative for 16sRNA and 18sRNA.
            2. Используется в завершении предложения
              • Renal trauma caused by blunt force, entrapment, falls, puncture or accidental trocarisation [ 4 ] may rupture the renal capsule leading to leakage of urine into the perirenal tissues.
              • Unfortunately, these–as well as more recent ones like the important [40 ]–are resolutely craniocentric, mostly disregarding the hyobranchium, the postcranial skeleton and the soft tissues.
              • Matrigels appear as dark, heavily hemoglobinized gelatinous implants in the ventral sc tissue.
          • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
            1. Существительные
              • Исчисляемое Существительное
              • Глаголы
              Ссылки По Теме:
              1. en tissues
              2. en tissuey
              3. en tissued
              4. en tissueless
              5. en tissuelike
              Источник: Викисловарь

              Meaning of tissue for the defined word.

              Грамматически, это слово "tissue" является Существительные, более конкретно, Исчисляемое Существительное. Это также Глаголы.
              Трудность: Уровень 2
              Легко     ➨     Трудно
              Определенность: Уровень 8
              Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний