
stool это

EN[stuːl] [-uːl]
FR stool

    Definition of stool in English Dictionary

  • Существительное (Noun)PLstools
    1. A seat for one person without a back or armrest.
      1. The ground in almost every part of it is covered with stools or stems of Oak, at not more than three feet stool from stool, and these not having been thinned since last cutting, are completely overburdened, and are evidently killing each other and dying for want of nourishment [ …]
    2. (chiefly medicine) Feces, excrement.
      1. Two days prior to the consultation, an abdominal radiograph was done because the patient hadn't stooled in a week. No signs of obstruction and no abnormal accumulations of stool were found.
    3. (chiefly medicine) A production of feces or excrement, an act of defecation, stooling.
      1. Normal stooling is widely variant. Some infants only have one stool per day, especially those on formula feeding. Others may stool with each feeding. Such frequent stooling is common in breast-fed infants during the first month of life.
    4. (archaic) A decoy.
      1. (nautical) A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the deadeyes of the backstays.
        1. (US, dialect) Material, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to.
          1. A plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil.
          2. Глагол (Verb)SGstoolsPRstoolingPT, PPstooled
            1. (chiefly medicine) To produce stool, to defecate.
              1. Infrequent stooling in the first month of life is almost always due to insufficient intake of milk. A baby who is voiding but not stooling or gaining weight may not be receiving enough high fat hindmilk. Stooling frequency will correct itself with additional feeds or making sure the infant receives more hind milk at a feed.
            2. (horticulture) To cut down (a plant) until its main stem is close to the ground, resembling a stool, to promote new growth.
              1. Cutting back to the same position annually is usually referred to as pollarding; cutting nearly to the ground is usually called stooling. Both are good methods of controlling height and maintaining vigor on plants that would normally grow to a large size. [ …] Those [plants] that generate many small stems crowded together are difficult to pollard so they are normally stooled. Some people refer to stooling as coppice.
            3. (agriculture) To ramify; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.
            4. Другие примеры
              1. Используется в середине предложения
                • 1977: He prised a skep from its stool and held it out, inverted, showing the dirty wreck of combs, with the vile grubs spinning their cocoons. — Patrick O'Brian, The Mauritius Command
                • First identified in 2007 from a child with febrile illness, SAFV are found in the stool of children with nonpolio acute flaccid paralysis and healthy children in Pakistan.
                • Two days prior to the consultation, an abdominal radiograph was done because the patient hadn't stooled in a week. No signs of obstruction and no abnormal accumulations of stool were found.
            • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
              1. Существительные
                • Исчисляемое Существительное
                • Глаголы
                Ссылки По Теме:
                1. fr stool
                2. en stools
                3. fr stools
                4. en stoole
                5. en stooly
                Источник: Викисловарь

                Meaning of stool for the defined word.

                Грамматически, это слово "stool" является Существительные, более конкретно, Исчисляемое Существительное. Это также Глаголы.
                Трудность: Уровень 2
                Легко     ➨     Трудно
                Определенность: Уровень 8
                Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний