
freedom это


    Definition of freedom in English Dictionary

  • Существительное (Noun)PLfreedomsSUF-dom
    1. (uncountable) The state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
      1. Having recently been released from prison, he didn't know what to do with his newfound freedom. ‎
    2. (countable) The lack of a specific constraint, or of constraints in general; a state of being free, unconstrained.
      1. The dispatches […] also exposed the blatant discrepancy between the west's professed values and actual foreign policies. Having lectured the Arab world about democracy for years, its collusion in suppressing freedom was undeniable as protesters were met by weaponry and tear gas made in the west, employed by a military trained by westerners.
    3. Frankness; openness; unreservedness.
      1. Improper familiarity; violation of the rules of decorum.
      2. Другие примеры
        1. Используется в середине предложения
          • Perhaps most notably, our enquiries into the existence of unfreedoms are steps toward the measurement of the overall freedom of each individual and of each society.
          • There is a freedom of gait, a heartiness of manner, a hopefulness of expression, a frank courtesy, a liberal-mindedness which impresses me profoundly.
          • only in freedom can we build the Usonian city. His [Wright's] plans are coming to life.
        2. Используется в завершении предложения
          • She carried me to a young woman to nurse for her what she nursed at Mostor Wilks befo freedom.
          • We introduce explicit many-body interwire interactions that preserve time reversal symmetry and give energy gaps to all low energy degrees of freedom.
      • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. Морфемы
          • Суффиксы
            • Слова суффиксом
              • Words suffixed with -dom
          • Существительные
            • Исчисляемое Существительное
              • Singularia Tantum
                • Бесчисленные имена
            Ссылки По Теме:
            1. en freedoms
            2. en freedomless
            3. en freedom fine
            4. en freedom ride
            5. en freedom kiss
            Источник: Викисловарь

            Meaning of freedom for the defined word.

            Грамматически, это слово "freedom" является Морфемы, более конкретно, Суффиксы. Это также Существительные, более конкретно, Исчисляемое Существительное и singularia tantum.
            Трудность: Уровень 1
            Легко     ➨     Трудно
            Определенность: Уровень 9
            Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний