
eased это


    Definition of eased in English Dictionary

  • Глагол (Verb)BFeaseSGeasesPReasing
    1. past participle of ease.
    2. Другие примеры
      1. Используется в середине предложения
        • What does he think, that we're setting him up, that he'll ease his truck along the dirt road, high-center it in a rut, and then get jumped and die defending his pizzas?
        • Cats stretch with equal ease and agility beyond the point that breaks a man on the rack. ‎
        • And Mr. Jackson has never seemed so unblustery; his scenes with the younger actor have ease and humor.
      2. Используется в завершении предложения
        • VW is the essence of speed in machine learning, able to learn from terafeature datasets with ease.
        • We have found that a patrolman in the central section of the city can switch on, and later switch off, 100 signs with ease.
    • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. Глаголы
        • Глагольных форм
          • Причастия
            • Прошедшие причастия

      Other Vocabulary

      Слова похожи (Look-Alike Words)
      1. en ease
      2. en ceased
      3. en leased
      4. en teased
      5. en peased
      Источник: Викисловарь

      Meaning of eased for the defined word.

      Грамматически, это слово "eased" является Глаголы, более конкретно, Глагольных форм.
      Определенность: Уровень 1
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