
a little это


    Definition of a little in English Dictionary

  • Наречие (Adverb)
    1. To a small extent or degree.
      1. The door was opened a little. ‎
  • Детерминанта (Determiner)
    1. a small amount.
      1. A little water has spilled.
  • Другие примеры
    1. Используется в середине предложения
      • He needs to get a grip if he's getting that angry over such a little thing.
      • He smiled a little to himself, as he was in on the plan.
      • It's only a little trinket, but it reminds her of him.
    2. Используется в начале предложения
      • A little further on, to the right, was a large garage, where the charabancs stood, half in and half out of the yard.
      • A little dab’ll do ya! ‎ (advertising slogan for Brylcreem)
    3. Используется в завершении предложения
      • ...do you think you could lower that candle-shade just a little?
      • Things have been better since the boss has been laying off a little.
      • When it was finally time to board, we got on the train to find out that we’d been put in business class. This was a turn up for the book, reclining seats and room to stretch out a little.
  • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. Наречия
      • Несравнимое наречия
      • Определители
      Ссылки По Теме:
      1. en a little matter
      2. en a little bit of bread and no cheese
      3. en a little from column A, a little from column B
      4. en a little from column A and a little from column B
      Источник: Викисловарь

      Meaning of a little for the defined word.

      Грамматически, это идиома "a little" является Наречия, более конкретно, Несравнимое наречия. Это также Определители.
      Определенность: Уровень 7
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