
Good это

EN good

    Definition of Good in English Dictionary

  • Имя собственное (Proper noun)
    1. A surname​.
      1. An unincorporated community in West Virginia.
      2. Другие примеры
        1. Используется в середине предложения
          • Your records will sound a lot better if you hire a good sound engineer.
          • Then I had a good think on the subject of the hocussing of Cigarette, and I was reluctantly bound to admit that once again the man in the corner had found the only possible solution to the mystery.
          • A good whoop de doo can send a biker right into midair!
        2. Используется в начале предложения
          • Good idea to embrace the penguin and let go of the Bill.
          • Good news exhilarates the mind; wine exhilarates the drinker.
          • Good netiquette dictates that one warn of spoilers before discussing them, so that readers who wish to do so may experience the surprises for themselves.
        3. Используется в завершении предложения
          • It costs pretty near as much to sell a used truck as a new one and there is usually ... close down business right away and get out while the getting's good.
          • "The tragedy of the commons" is that none wish to make sacrifices of their or their family's interests for the common good.
          • When he asked to have a look at my bank statements, I didn't think much of it, but now I'm certain he was up to something no good.
      • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. Существительные
          • имена собственные
        Ссылки По Теме:
        1. en Goode
        2. en Goodwin
        3. en Goodman
        4. en Goodrich
        5. en Goodwife
        Источник: Викисловарь

        Meaning of Good for the defined word.

        Грамматически, это слово "Good" является Существительные, более конкретно, имена собственные.
        Определенность: Уровень 1
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